Meet Juan
“Juan, it’s time for your bath!” Sara smiled to herself, knowing that her son, Juan, would enjoy the bubble bath she had prepared. When Sara heard no answer, she hurried to his play area only to hear her son repetitively babbling numbers one to four. “Uno, dos, tres, cuatro…” Dismayed, Sara tried another tactic to […]
Not turned away because of the inability to pay
Here at The Warren Center, we believe that self-expression is paramount to a child’s happiness and well-being. Because of this, you can understand the dismay and worry William’s mother felt upon discovering that her child had trouble communicating with others. Even though he was a lively, sweet, and affectionate child, William had a hard time […]
He now communicates with his family
Independence is more than a revolutionary concept or theory. It is actually essential to self-determination and liberty. Without the ability to be independent, children can have a hard time reaching milestones and later functioning in society. Therefore, you can imagine the dismay Marco’s mother felt when her son struggled to speak or use words independently. […]
He learned to imitate sounds and play with others
People often associate young boys with energetic noise and rambunctious chatter. When Daniel’s mother realized that he was not speaking, however, the silence became deafening. She explains: “I was really concerned and not happy because he didn’t talk. Even his school complained about his lack of words.” After a period of disheartening frustration, Daniel received […]
“Her speech therapist is amazing!”
For many parents, few sounds are as precious as hearing their children speak. Similarly, children take great pride in expressing themselves through verbal communication. Unfortunately, speech delay can be one of the most frustrating obstacles to interpersonal communication. For this reason, Caroline began speech therapy as part of an early childhood intervention program. With the […]