We believe that by strengthening families, we help to create a thriving community. We support families by offering a variety of parent and caregiver education and support programs. Our services include family support groups, respite care and referrals to community resources that fit a family’s needs and location.
Parent Support Group
Families are able to connect with one another and share information. Family Education and Support Specialists are available to answer questions and to help guide healthy discussions.
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Recess provides parents with the opportunity to take a break. Parents are able to drop their child off and go out to dinner, run errands or just go take a nap– whatever it is that will help them recharge. This respite care service is provided at our Richardson, Texas location for all clients of The Warren Center and their siblings (seven years of age or younger).
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Graduation is a special time for parents to celebrate their child’s milestone of completing Early Childhood Intervention. Family and friends can cheer the child on as they go across the stage in a cap and gown.
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