PLEASE NOTE: The times listed below are for production only. Please add an additional 2-3 weeks for printing.

Small Projects

Writing Help: 2 Days to 1 week (depending on word count)
Graphic Update (web): 1 Week
Poster/Flyer: 3 weeks (8.5 X 11, 1 sided, less than 50 word count)
Advertisement/Informal Invitations (reformat existing): 2 Weeks
Advertisement/Informal Invitations (new digital): 3 Weeks
Advertisement/Informal Invitations (new print): 3 Weeks
Postcard: 3 Weeks (1 sided, non-mailer, less than 50 word count)
Social Media: 1-2 Weeks
Media Relations 2-4 Weeks
Photographer (internal) – 1 week notice, 1 week turnaround to receive.

Medium Projects

Brochure: 8-12 weeks
Booklet Brochure: 6 Weeks (up to 12 pages)
Email Newsletter: 3 Weeks (including gathering content)
Digital Presentation: 2 Weeks (Power point, etc.)
Event Program: 6 Weeks
Web landing page (static): 4 Weeks
Web Landing Page (dynamic): 6 Weeks
Print Campaign/Mailer: 8 Weeks (2-sided postcard/flyer/mailer, more than 50 word count)
Photographer (outside contractor): 4 Weeks

Large Projects

Multi-page booklet: 12 weeks (more than 12 pages)
Web Form: 2 Weeks
Formal Invitation: 4 Weeks
Annual Report: 12 Weeks
Marketing / Event Campaign (web, digital and print): 8-24 Weeks
Video editing (existing content): 2 Weeks
Video (unscripted and less than 2 minutes): 8 Weeks
Video (Scripted or longer than 2 minutes) 14 Weeks