Browse our resource library for important tools on how to manage conditions associated with a diagnosis of low birth weight. As the reported occurrence of low birth weight have skyrocketed in recent years, understand that you are not alone. In fact, the vast number of children born prematurely or within a set of multiples experience this condition. Some children may also receive a low birth weight diagnosis as a result of fetal growth restriction or a birth defect. We provide information on early childhood intervention for children who may have difficulty feeding or gaining weight, experience neurological problems, or experience respiratory or breathing problems as a result of low oxygen levels at birth. We provide information on oral motor skills for children who may not be able to suck as well as information on how to help children achieve developmental milestones associated with normal weight at birth. In addition to information about outside therapy, we provide tips on how to create a safe home environment and cope with related developmental delays. With our developmental tools, you can help your child overcome these physical challenges and live life to the fullest.
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