[two_third]Infants need sleep to ensure adequate growth and development. Although newborn infants sleep much of the time, their sleep occurs in very short segments. As babies grow and develop, the total amount of sleep gradually decreases. However, the length of nighttime sleep steadily increases.[/two_third]


Because of the differences between infant and adult sleep patterns, it is normal for new parents to have questions about how infants learn to sleep through the night. The following guide provides information on how you can support your infant’s sleep needs.

How Much Sleep Does an Infant Need?

While every baby is different, there are general guidelines for infant sleep needs. Their sleep needs depend upon age ranging from birth to two years:

Birth to Three Months:

Newborn babies can sleep between 14-17 hours within a 24-hour period. This translates into about eight hours of daytime sleep (including naps) and up to eight hours of nighttime sleep. However, newborns do not tend to string these hours together into “long stretches” of uninterrupted sleep during this period. Instead, many newborns do not sleep more than one to two hours at a time. The best bet for new parents is to rest when the baby does and remain prepared for the newborn to wake several times at night for feedings.

Some newborns may prefer a little less sleep (11-13 hours within a 24-hour period) while others may need a bit more sleep (18-19 hours within a 24-hour period). Total sleep hours gradually decrease month by month. For example, the average one-month-old sleeps 15.5 hours, with eight to nine hours occurring at night and seven hours of sleep and naps during the daytime.

As their bodies adjust, there may also be a period when babies sleep more during the daylight hours than at night (a condition known as day-night reversal). This is perfectly normal, and most children soon adapt out of this stage.

Three to Six Months

At around three months old (or when babies weigh 12 to 13 pounds), many babies can start sleeping up to five hours at a time at night. While this can help parents adjust to their accustomed sleep schedules, keep in mind that three-month-old babies can still require up to 15 hours of sleep within a 24-hour period. This translates into four to five hours of sleep during the daytime and 9 to 10 hours of sleep at night (waking at least once or twice for feeding).

By six months, two-thirds of babies can sleep through the night on a regular basis. This means they can start getting around six to eight hours of uninterrupted nighttime sleep. Infants who are six months can still need around 14 hours of sleep total, with 10 hours occurring at night and four hours during the daytime in the form of naps.

Six Months to Nine Months

This is usually a happy transition period since babies begin to no longer require nighttime feedings and can begin to sleep comfortably through night hours. Parents can also use this time to catch up on sleep as well. By nine months old, babies can start getting up to 11 hours of nighttime sleep along with three hours of daytime sleep (divided into a couple of naps).

Nine Months to One Year

At this point, the majority of sleep occurs during nighttime hours. Children at this age begin to sleep through the night with an average of 11 hours of night sleep and 3 hours of daytime sleep.

One Year to Two Years

As night sleep becomes consistent, daytime sleep gradually decreases into recognizable childhood naps. For example, children get an average of 11 hours of nighttime sleep and 2.5 hours of daytime sleep once they reach 18 months old. By age two, children maintain the 11 hours of nighttime sleep but only need two hours of daytime sleep in the form of naps.

What are Signs of Infant Sleep Problems?

Infant sleep patterns differ greatly from adults (especially during the first few months). For example, babies spend much less time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (also known dreamtime sleep), and the sleep cycles are much shorter.

Even when babies begin to “sleep through the night” at around six months old, they may wake up every five hours or so due to separation anxiety. This is a normal part of human development as babies learn that sleep separations from parents are short-term and temporary (i.e. during nighttime hours). Even babies who do not experience separation anxiety may have difficulty falling asleep when they are overly tired or due to overstimulation.

Given these differences, it is understandable that some parents have difficulty identifying infant sleep problems. The following sleep problems are associated with common separation anxiety:

In contrast, the following infant sleep problems may be signs of a health condition or illness for which you need to consult a pediatrician:

Contact your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about unusual nighttime waking.

What are Signs That a Baby is ready to go to sleep?

It is often easier to get a child to sleep once you recognize sleep readiness. Comforting infants (such as with soothing, cuddling, or lullabies) when they are ready to sleep can also help them associate sleep with a positive experience. Some signs are your baby is ready to go to sleep include:

How Can I Help My Baby Fall Asleep?

Since babies cannot necessarily control their own sleep patterns, it may take some practice and adjustments to create a routine that works for your family. Because not all babies know how to put themselves to sleep or know how to return to sleep after a nighttime waking, here are tips for helping your baby learn to sleep:

If you have any additional questions about nighttime awakenings or infant sleep, contact The Warren Center.