Why Are Positive Words Important?

Words have an incredible amount of power. Even the smallest ones have the power to be just as harmful as they can be helpful. A child hearing consistent positive words of love and support does wonders for a child’s self-image, but more importantly, positive words can promote their cognitive functioning. For children, some of the first sources of confidence derive from reassurances from the important individuals in their lives.

There are plenty of ways to incorporate these positive phrases throughout your everyday life. Print out the PDF below, share it with friends and family, add new phrases and hang it on your fridge to try them out at home! The power of positive words is limitless and only helps children develop into curious, creative, happy, loving and honest people!

[center][button size=”medium” class=”dlbutton” link=”https://thewarrencenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Empower-Through-Positivity-PDF.pdf” color=”blue” align=”center”]DOWNLOAD[/button][/center]



Some Things to Try:

  • Smiling genuinely at your child
  • Using verbal praise, compliments, and other words of celebration
  • Physical affection such as hugs or high-fives
  • Being physically gentle and caring toward your child
  • Making eye contact and using a range of caring facial expressions
  • Showing interest in your child’s interests and activities; getting on eye-level to speak or bond with your child
  • Giving brief moments of full attention (or acknowledging and expressing when full attention is not possible at the moment)
  • Offering rewards for achievements; recognizing a job well-done




“I” Statements to Say:


  • I’m grateful for you.
  • I love being your parent.
  • I believe you.
  • I believe in you.
  • I know you did your best.
  • I accept who you are.
  • I love your creativity.
  • I can’t wait to hear about it.
  • I’m excited to spend time with you.
  • I love seeing the world your way.
  • I love the way you tell stories.
  • I admire you.
  • I trust you.
  • I learn new things from you everyday.
  • I’m so glad you’re here.
  • I understand you.
  • I forgive you.
  • I appreciate you.
  • I love how you said that.
  • I’m listening.
  • I love you.




“You” Statements to Say:


  • You are valuable.
  • You can say no.
  • You can say yes.
  • You were right.
  • You are helpful.
  • You make me proud.
  • Your words are meaningful.
  • You have great ideas.
  • You don’t have to be perfect to be great.
  • Your opinions matter.
  • You are important.
  • You are loved.
  • You are valuable.
  • You are worth it.
  • You make me happy.
  • You’re making a difference.
  • What you did was awesome.
  • You make me better.
  • You are enough.
  • You make my heart full.
  • You are very good at that.
  • You are beautiful inside and out.
