The Warren Center is proud to introduce a new weekly initiative to highlight nonprofits, businesses, and individuals in North Texas who are helping children and families impacted by developmental disabilities and delays. The series’ name is called #ItTakesAVillage and the idea stems from the idea that it truly takes a village of individuals in the Dallas Metroplex to help families in need and we can’t do it alone. Plus, there’s so many amazing people and organizations that deserve to be recognized for their efforts.
Let us introduce you to Dominique Cares, a dedicated nonprofit organization founded by Deborah Spencer, has a mission of providing comprehensive support to individuals with autism and other disabilities, and their families. They emphasize the importance of strong community partnerships to promote awareness and acceptance.
The organization was born out of the Spencer family’s personal experience with their daughter Dominique, who was diagnosed with autism and an intellectual developmental disability. They understand the challenges faced by families in accessing necessary resources, and believe in early intervention to achieve positive outcomes. This is similar to what we believe in at The Warren Center, as we recognize acting early on developmental concerns can make a big difference in the lives of families impacted by developmental delays and disabilities. In fact, in addition to early childhood intervention services, The Warren Center pioneered Early Intervention Day in the state of Texas in 2021 to educate local communities and raise public awareness of early intervention services for children.
Dominique Cares’ Services
Dominique Cares aims to be a lifeline for families, offering essential assistance to alleviate stress and financial burdens, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of life for those they serve. Their journey, though difficult, has fueled their determination to help others not just survive, but thrive after receiving a diagnosis.
“Our mission and vision is to raise awareness and acceptance in the community. Everyone is impacted and it is our belief we have a responsibility to enhance the lives of others. We address the concerns by providing educational workshops, community events and family support services,” Dominique Cares’ website states.
The organization believes in giving back and encourages volunteering to help families grasp the importance of participation. They hold an annual resource fair that serves as a platform for families, professionals, and the community to come together, exchange resources, and enhance understanding.
Furthermore, Dominique Cares offers annual college scholarships to graduating high school seniors, with a focus on those majoring in education, the medical field, the legal field, or having a sibling with a disability. They also conduct a yearly back-to-school drive, providing specialized supplies for students with special needs. Additionally, they run an Angel Tree drive, ensuring that children with disabilities and their siblings receive Christmas gifts. This array of initiatives underscores their dedication to making a positive impact in the lives of those they serve.
When we told Spencer about our new #ItTakesAVillage initiative, she said, “It takes a village is one of my mantras. It is near and dear to my heart and the premise of our moms’ mentoring group/support group.”
Dominique Cares provides essential parent training workshops that address various aspects of family well-being. Their aim is to cultivate a balanced and thriving family unit by emphasizing mental and emotional stability. These workshops equip parents and caregivers with the knowledge to advocate for their loved ones and access necessary resources and services, setting the stage for success. Empowering families with information and proactive strategies is seen as crucial for navigating this journey effectively.
Additionally, Dominique Cares has partnered with Saving Soles/Kingdom Performance to establish a Special Skills Academy Basketball program tailored for children with disabilities. This program is offered free of charge to the community twice a week, providing an inclusive and enriching opportunity for children to participate in sports activities.
Night of Hope Gala
Recently, Dominique Cares and Kingdom Performance held their annual Night of Hope Gala, where they recognized several Difference Makers in our community, including The Warren Center’s CEO, Amy Spawn. The night started with a VIP pre-reception for some guests, sponsors, and awardees. The gala started with a welcome and prayer by a student who was in one of the nonprofit’s programs.
The gala featured a dinner and live entertainment. The nonprofit then recognized 15 honorees from staff, peer counselors, interns, and community partners. Then they recognized 12 awardees, including Spawn.
“All of the awardees were selected due to past community partnerships, relationships or outstanding service they provide to the special needs community,” Spencer said, which is similar to what we are doing here with this #ItTakesaVillage initiative.
The gala also featured a silent auction, socializing, and dancing.
Learn more about Dominique Cares
Spencer says Dominique Care thrives on volunteers.
“We would not be able to accomplish our mission without them. We are grateful for so many amazing volunteers but we always need more,” Dominique Cares’ website states.
Click here to learn more about Dominique Cares.