


The Mealtime Madness Breakthrough
12:00pm – 12:45pm


Mealtimes can be used for both feeding and for fun! In this session you will learn how to create fun, motivating and stress free mealtime routines for your child, you and your family. In addition to making meals fun, you will also learn how to incorporate a variety of language strategies into your meal time routines.



Maddie Trigg is a speech language pathologist in the ECI program at The Warren Center. She received her Bachelor of Arts in communication from Texas A&M University and received her Masters of Science in communication science disorders from the University of Texas at Dallas. She has worked in early childhood intervention for the past 4 years, previously working in a clinic based setting with children aged 2 – 18. Maddie is passionate about coaching and empowering parents during speech therapy. She enjoys working with all ages within the birth to three population as well as treating both feeding and language delays.[/two_third]


Maddie Trigg, M.S. CCC-SLP


Meredith Wooley is a speech language pathologist in the ECI program at The Warren Center. She obtained her undergraduate degree at the University of Mississippi, and received her master’s degree in Speech Pathology from The University of South Carolina. She has been working with the Early Intervention population over the past 5 years, and she can honestly say she loves what she does. Her favorite part of working with this population is the ability to teach and coach parents so that they can become more confident caregivers. She loves empowering parents to work with their children within the smallest moments in the day in order to make progress in their language and feeding skills and development.[/two_third]


Meredith Wooley, M.S. CCC-SLP


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