Secrets to Successful Potty Training
2:00pm – 2:45pm
You are not alone. For many parents, potty training is a complex and tiring task. A number of components can affect your child’s progression and retention of toileting independence. Nevertheless, do not fear! In this session, you will learn NEW tips and tricks that will lead your child to potty training victory!
Dr. May has 20 years of experience working with children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, school-aged children with severe challenging behavior (including school personnel and parent training), and adults with acquired brain injury across a variety of settings. His research has included translational and applied research with animal and human populations. Dr. May has contributed to three edited books and has been published in several peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Education and Treatment of Children, Behavioral Brain Research, Physiology and Behavior, and Brain Research. Before coming to The Chicago School, Dr. May was an Associate Professor in Special Education, an affiliated faculty member in the Behavior Analysis and Therapy program, and Department Chair at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He served as the clinical coordinator of the Vanderbilt Behavior Analysis Clinic coordinating behavior-analytic, psychiatric, and medical interventions for young adults with intellectual and mental health diagnoses transitioning from mental health and developmental institutions. Dr. May is currently an Associate Editor for the journal Education and Treatment of Children, and serves as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals.
Michael E. May, Ph.D. BCBA-D LBA
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