During this difficult time, here are some community resources to help with the needs you may have. You can also contact The Warren Center at 972-490-9055 or  center@thewarrencenter.org for direct help from one of our Family and Community Support Specialist.

Information about the Coronavirus and how to protect your family

Food, Rent, Utility

Community Economic Relief Fund to help with bills, rent, food.

School Meal Assistance

Several school districts in Collin, Dallas, and Denton Counties are providing grab-and-go meals, or other food assistance services to students and families in need during the COVID-19 outbreak. In collaboration with local education agencies (LEAs), the Texas Education Agency (TEA) has created a tool for parents to help them to locate LEA facilities serving meals. Access the Meal Finder Tool here. FYI for DISD: Please note, starting April 9th meals will be distributed every Thursday between 10 AM and 1 PM.  You’ll receive five breakfasts, lunches and suppers.



Virtual Tours & Field Trips






Travel the World


Virtual Storytimes

Child Care Assistance for Essential Workers

Heartland Montessori  (214-591-0007) in Las Colinas/Irving is offering childcare completely free of charge for the month of April. Open to anyone and respite.

Child Care Group. The following is a list of child care closures and openings:   https://www.childcaregroup.org/covid-19-provider-closures

Financial and Technology Assistance

Changes to the Paid Family Medical and Leave Program

Due to COVID-19, some employers may be required to temporarily extend Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) benefits to employees who must stay home to care for a minor child whose school or care provider is unavailable due to COVID-19. If this situation applies to you, employers would be required to provide you with ten weeks paid leave at two-thirds of your wages. Find specific information here.


Guaranteed Sick Leave Reforms

If your ability to work has been impacted by COVID-19, your employer may be required to temporarily provide for fully paid sick leave. Public and Private employers with less than 500 employees will now be required to provide full-time employees with two weeks (80 hours) paid sick leave as well as part-time employees on a prorated basis. Employers are required to cover employees not working for specific reasons found here.

Internet Access

Phone Access


Partnership for Prescription Assistance

Delayed Electric Payments

If you qualify for unemployment benefits, you can register and be enrolled in the COVID-19 Texas Electricity Relief Program. That will stop your electricity from being disconnected until July 17.To participate in the program, you must be a customer of a retail electric provider. Once you enroll, you have 30 days to certify your unemployment benefits through the Texas Workforce Commission.

COVID-19 Texas Electricity Relief Program

Mobile Counseling / Mental Health

Texas Health and Human Services has launched a 24/7 statewide mental health support line to help Texans experiencing anxiety, stress or emotional challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This new resource offers COVID-19-related mental health support for all Texans. People can call the Statewide COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week toll-free at 833-986-1919.

Better Help https://www.betterhelp.com/about/  It is virtual counseling that was founded pre-COVID.

Telemedicine visits as low as $20 as session. 214-542-5642  info@mobile-counseling.net

Family Tree – Provides 10 sessions for students under 17 and their families free of Charge.  This program is for short term issues.  Please have family call our offices to schedule.  No income restrictions.

Dallas County Locations:

Counseling Institute of Texas

Phone 972-271-4300 www.citexas.org. Our business office cut their hours to 10am – 4pm but our counselors are still working 9am – 8pm (7:00 being the last appointment).

We offer all our same programs but families must sign up for the programs and fill out all paperwork prior to the session.

Medicaid – CIT accepts Amerigroup and Parkland

CDBG:   Funding to assist with counseling for Garland resident students and their families.   Qualifying paperwork needed.  Please have them call the office.  Provides 10 sessions. Sliding Scale:  Staff has a sliding scale of $60 and up (fee will include service charge). University Practicum Students have a sliding scale of $15 and up (fee will include service charge). As always if you have a family that needs help and the $15 is an issue we are happy to work with that if you call us.

Catholic Charities of Dallas:  1421 W. Mockingbird Lane     Dallas, Texas 75247     Phone: 866.CCD.7500 Drive through food pick up only. All new intakes will be completed on the phone or using video conferences. Community food pantry, disaster relief services, financial stability services, and immigration are all ongoing. All activities cancelled.

Online Resources: findhelp.org;    www.auntbertha.org


Disability Benefits for a Child under 18 yrs. old

Disability Rights: Free Legal Services

1-800-252-9108  https://www.disabilityrightstx.org/en/category/covid19/

Resources for Undocumented Immigrants