Little Delaney continues to grow with smile on her face

A toddler with Down syndrome is growing and reaching milestones each day while receiving services from The Warren Center — and she does so with the cutest smile on her face.

Delaney was born prematurely. Her mother did not know Delaney had Down syndrome while pregnant. Delaney now lives with adoptive parents. They brought her to The Warren Center when she was 16 months old.

When Delaney first came to The Warren Center, therapists noted she wasn’t sitting or crawling independently. Therapists were also concerned about her eyesight. The Warren Center’s early childhood intervention specialists guided Delaney through vision testing and starting vision services.

Delaney began working with a physical therapist at The Warren Center. As of today, the toddler crawls, walks and is on the verge of running. She’s also showing better play skills, brings a bag of snack to her dad to open if she’s hungry, and imitates a few facial gestures.

Delaney has also been working with a speech language pathologist to work on trying a variety of foods, feeding herself, and communicating in her speech and feeding sessions.

The toddler’s therapists say Delaney continues to has ongoing needs and goals but say it’s amazing to see how well she has done with the support of her family and early childhood intervention.

Watch Delaney play at the park in the video below:


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