A toddler with Down syndrome was the recent recipient of a tricycle that was donated to The Warren Center.

Elshaddai has been receiving early childhood intervention services from The Warren Center since she was two months old. She turns three in February.

Elshaddai started receiving therapy over Zoom through the COVID-19 pandemic, but now receives services in person. Her therapist, Medina, says the toddler loves to play outside, so they’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors during their sessions. Medina often accompanies Elshaddai to the park and says the toddler loves to swing.

Her family was thrilled when Elshaddai received one of the tricycles that was donated to The Warren Center.

“This was a perfect addition to our therapy session because it lets her practice alternating her feet the way she needs to in order to master stairs, something we’re currently working on,” her therapist, Medina, said.

Elshaddai also loves to hear the bell ring on the tricycle. Watch her use the tricycle in the social media post below.


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