A toddler is showing great progress in every aspect while receiving services from The Warren Center.

Bella is an 18-month-old girl who has Down syndrome. She was born with a heart defect and had an operation at 6 months old. She began receiving early childhood intervention services from The Warren Center when she was 3 months old.

Bella began feeding therapy with a speech therapist and can now feed herself. Her therapist said she loves food and uses a spoon and a fork to feed herself.

Toddler with Down syndrome feeds with fork

The toddler has also been receiving physical therapy services from The Warren Center. A physical therapist is working with her weekly, and her current goals are independent walking, age-appropriate plays skills that target fine motor function, truck control, and core control.

Bella makes animal sounds when singing Old MacDonald. She can also imitate about eight to 10 words. She crawls around the house and can go up the stairs independently.

Bella’s physical therapist brought her a walker from The Warren Center and they’re currently working with her to push it and take a few steps.

The toddler’s mom says she’s “very glad” Bella is receiving services from The Warren Center.

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