A 2-year-old toddler has a hard time at preschool, but with help from therapy, she can now keep up in school.

Natalia is a vibrant, playful toddler that was having trouble at preschool. She could do mostly everything her peers could but tended to fall behind in activities. During playtime and interactive games, she couldn’t keep up with others. Natalia would walk slower than her classmates, often getting behind everyone in hallways, and had issues navigating playground equipment.

Noticing the delays, Natalia started receiving help from The Warren Center. She worked with a physical therapist and a speech therapist at daycare. Their aim with Natalia was to help improve her socialization skills, along with helping her mobility delays.

Through hard work, dedication, and specialized therapy, Natalia is thriving at daycare. Her teachers have noticed she is more interactive during group playtime and is more engaged with her classmates. Natalia now moves much faster as well (there is no longer any concern with her falling behind in hallways) and can successfully play and navigate the playground!


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