Occupational therapists and physical therapists from The Warren Center, as well as therapists from other Dallas agencies, gathered at The Warren Center this week to learn Dynamic Movement Intervention.

Dynamic Movement Intervention is “a therapeutic technique used in physical and occupational therapy to treat children with motor delay by improving automatic postural responses and promoting progress towards developmental milestones.”

The Warren Center hosted DMI Therapy’s Introductory Level A class on Monday and Tuesday. During this course, therapists got to learn 35 exercises with progressions and alternate holds to use with children they serve.

Therapists learn Dynamic Movement Intervention.

The course began by teaching our therapists the background of neuroplasticity, theoretical foundations, and tenets of practice.

The therapists then got to learn a variety of dexterity tests that can help prove their own hand-eye coordination. You can watch a video of The Warren Center’s therapists conducting the dexterity tests in the social media post below.


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Following the dexterity tests, leaders of DMI Therapy taught the therapists each of the 35 exercises. They watched the therapists perform the exercises and gave corrections on their holds if needed.

After the therapists felt confident with the exercises, several clients of The Warren Center joined them so that the therapists could practice the exercises with them. The DMI Therapy team walked around to make sure they were doing the exercises correctly and provided suggestions and corrections when needed. You can watch a video of a therapist performing an exercise with a child in the social media player below.

The goal of the DMI Therapy training was to equip the therapists with necessary knowledge and exercises that they can plan and execute during their sessions with children each week.

“Not only do we want to share as much knowledge as we can to help families, but we also want to promote professional development of the therapists that learn with us and support them on their career paths. Creating new research and evidence-based therapy, as well as the advancement of the pediatric physical therapy profession is important to us,” according to Dynamic Movement Intervention’s website.


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