[two_third]One of the most familiar sayings is that “Home is where the heart is.” However, when home is an ocean away, that statement feels even more poignant and real. As an expatriate, Ursula Wagner left everything behind in her native Poland. While Ursula has now made her home in the Dallas area, her entire family still lives in Poland. This means that when her son, David, received a diagnosis of Down syndrome, the need for a strong support system became indispensable. Fortunately, Ursula found a support system far beyond her expectations in The Warren Center.[/two_third]



ECI Creates Invention Breakthrough


The process of searching for the best pace for David to receive therapy services was very disenchanting for Ursula. He demonstrated global delays, and evaluations often cited gross motor skills as the most significant type of delay. After much research, she decided that The Warren Center’s Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) program could provide David with the intervention services he needed and the emotional support they both needed.

Through his enrollment in ECI at The Warren Center, David began walking independently at 25 months old. Since motor abilities represented his most significant delay, this achievement constituted a major milestone for the entire family. Increased mobility also boosted opportunities for more rapid growth in other areas of development. The Warren Center soon added speech therapy to his intervention plan, and David is now learning how to say words. David demonstrates only a mild delay in cognitive skills, and evaluations attribute this in part to David’s enrollment in ECI services and Ursula’s willingness to follow through with ECI’s recommendations and intervention strategies.


Triumph Through Telehealth


Once COVID-19 restrictions began across the country, Ursula initially felt reluctant to try Telehealth and declined virtual visits at first. However, once it became clear that in-person visits would not resume anytime in the near future, Ursula agreed to try Telehealth. David successfully engages in virtual visits for specialized skills training (SST), speech therapy (ST), and physical therapy (PT).


While family can live thousands of miles away and feel even more distant during a pandemic, The Warren Center has created a supportive environment that helps families like Ursula and David thrive. No matter the obstacle, empowering children to overcome challenges and feel at home is the heart of what we do.

Read more about our services here.