Take a moment to think about the rock stars in your life – those who are the best at what they do, who move with great passion and yield remarkable results. For parents who bring their children to The Warren Center, the rock stars are the therapists who dedicate themselves to helping their child’s own star shine bright.

One such child is Kaleb. At the start of feeding therapy, Kaleb could not eat solid foods or drink independently from a cup. Instead, he required his parents to spoon-feed him milk, or he would sip sporadically while sitting in front of an iPad. This caused his parents tremendous stress and anxiety as nutrient deficiencies caused Kaleb to fall behind on the growth chart, and they could not foresee finding a babysitter who could knowledgably assist Kaleb with his feedings.

Fortunately, a speech therapist at The Warren Center worked diligently with Kaleb. Because of his therapy, Kaleb can now eat solid food and drink independently from a straw cup. As Kale’s mother, Karla, says: “Your therapists are rock stars! We cannot express how grateful we are to learn the skills that make feeding time successful. It has been life changing!”

At The Warren Center, we are committed to helping children like Kaleb shine like the stars they are.