
Shut Downs Didn’t Stop Eva’s Strong Start


As businesses and the world began to shut down in March 2020, The Warren Center made sure to continue providing critical therapies as safely and as best as we could. Even if that meant NOT being physically there for physical therapy. For Eva and her family, who spent over a year receiving physical therapy ONLY over a computer screen, shut downs didn’t stop them from succeeding! When Eva finished her physical therapy with The Warren Center, her mother had this to say…

[blockquote cite=”Brianna, Eva’s Mother”]Today, Eva graduated from physical therapy! πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

We are SO proud of the hard work this little girl has put in and the unbelievable progress she has made!

Two years ago, we switched to a new pediatrician (the best!). At her first visit, the doctor could tell that Eva needed some help just by the way I was holding her.

I remember bringing Eva to her physical therapy evaluation. Having already experienced feeding therapy with Grace, I was overwhelmed to begin therapy again. Eva was 14 months old, but not yet meeting 6 month milestones. Her very first therapy session was scheduled for the same week that the world shut down with stay-at-home orders. Instead, we did physical therapy via zoom 😳 . I juggled trying to help my frustrated baby move, while also entertaining a 2 year old, hear everything the therapist said from the computer screen, and take time out of my already busy work day. It was stressful. I remember crying and asking her therapist if she thought Eva would ever be able to walk on her own.

For more than a year, we met with her therapist ONLY via zoom. We set goals every week and watched Eva continue to crush them. In that time, she learned to sit, stand, scoot (instead of crawl), walk, jump, and eventually run! Our very first in-person therapy session wasn’t until April 2021. She has continued to make out of this world progress and now SHE IS DONE!!!

We are incredibly grateful to Miss Marie for her hard work, patience, expertise, love, and willingness to include big sister. πŸ’›

W A Y T O G O E V A !!!