For many parents, few sounds are as precious as hearing their children speak. Similarly, children take great pride in expressing themselves through verbal communication. Unfortunately, speech delay can be one of the most frustrating obstacles to interpersonal communication. For this reason, Caroline began speech therapy as part of an early childhood intervention program.

With the help of our speech therapists and Caroline’s own enthusiasm, Caroline has made great progress in her communication skills. Her vocabulary has expanded, she has begun to imitate words, and she has even added words to her vocabulary that have not been explicitly taught.

Speech therapy has also played a tremendous role in Caroline’s interpersonal communication as well. She uses the skills learned in speech therapy to communicate with her parents and brother, engage in play activities, and verbally request her favorite items and toys. Her mother states, “Her speech therapist is amazing! She is patient and fun and has given great advice on activities that has helped Caroline with her speech development.”

The inability to speak can make a child feel locked out of the world of communication with others. With the help of the Warren Center, children like Caroline can make their voices heard.