A mother is now able to confidently take her child out in public after receiving therapy services to help her toddler’s behavior and communication skills.

Two-year-old Brielle has a diagnosis of torticollis, which is a condition where her neck muscles cause her head to twist and tilt to one side. She started early childhood intervention services with The Warren Center when she was seven months old. She began receiving specialized skills training and physical therapy services. Feeding therapy was added to her plan when needed.

As Brielle’s needs changed, herĀ  therapy plan adapted accordingly. Recently, she has been receiving specialized skills training and occupational therapy services, and her family is currently awaiting an evaluation for a possible autism diagnosis.

In January, Brielle’s mom, Sarah, became concerned about Brielle’s safety risk to her younger sister and family pets due to sensory processing difficulties and excessive force. Brielle’s struggles in self-regulation made it difficult for Sarah to take her outside, as she would run away from her mother.

However, with the help of various therapeutic strategies, such as introducing new play activities and equipment, Brielle has made much progress. She can now self-regulate, follow simple directions, and communicate with others.

After several months of therapy, Brielle can now sleep through the night in her bed, a significant improvement for her and her family. Although increasing the variety of foods that she eats is still a work in progress, Brielle’s family is optimistic about her future.

Recently, Brielle achieved a considerable milestone by going to the store with her mother. You can watch that moment in the social media player below. This accomplishment has given Sarah the confidence to take Brielle out in public for other activities. The family even went on a cruise together last week, something that was previously unthinkable, given Brielle’s condition.

Brielle’s journey is a testament to the importance of early intervention and the value of continuously addressing the child’s needs as they change. With the right support and care, children like Brielle can overcome their challenges and reach their full potential.


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