A baby who was born 18 weeks early is now a superstar at crawling thanks to guidance she’s received from The Warren Center.

Ariadna was born at 22 weeks old. She spent 176 days in the neonatal intensive care unit. Eight weeks of those 176 days were spent on a jet ventilator because she had bronchopulmonary dysplasia, which is a form of chronic lung disease that affects newborns. She also had brain bleed on both sides of her brain. According to Ariadna’s therapist at The Warren Center, both issues resolved on their own.

Ariadna is now 15 months old and is working on crawling, core strengthening, and balance with a physical therapist at The Warren Center.

The baby’s physical therapist is currently working through activities with her that are targeted to work on understanding boundaries as she says Ariadna “fears nothing.” The activities will continue to build Ariadna’s core and trunk control.


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