A 17-month-old girl is taking steps toward her mom, which is a major accomplishment she reached in just five months of receiving services from The Warren Center.

When baby Emily, who goes by Aurora, enrolled at The Warren Center five months ago, she was unable to crawl. She also was not propping herself up on her arms or rolling over when doing tummy time, which are developmental milestones therapists at The Warren Center inspire children to reach.

Aurora has been receiving specialized skills training from an early intervention specialist. Specialized skills training is a developmental service that teaches age-appropriate life skills to children enrolled in an early childhood intervention (ECI) program.

Since working with the early intervention specialist since August, Aurora has since achieved goals to roll over, army crawl, traditional crawl, pull-to-stand, and so much more. She is also now taking steps while holding onto the couch and while using a push toy, as you can see in the social media post below.


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