A little girl has recently been working hard at The Warren Center to improve her communication and play skills.

Jamileth is currently receiving speech and occupational therapy at The Warren Center, and has been trying out an innovative AAC (augumentative and alternative) device to help her communicate more effectively. An AAC device is a tablet that helps someone with a speech or language impairment to communicate. The device helps children string together a combination or words, sentences, and images. The device will then say the words out loud for the child and anyone else to hear.

During our trial period with her using the AAC device, we were able to change the device to Spanish, which is Jamileth’s preferred language. Since we started using the AAC, Jamileth has become more vocal and is initiating comments and requests more often. You can watch her say “throw the ball” in Spanish using the AAC device in the social media post below.

When Jamileth first came to us, she has concerns with both receptive and expressive language. She was not speaking much and had difficulty following commands and transitions. After receiving a diagnosis of autism, we have been working closely with her and her family to develop her communication and play skills.

Along with her speech therapy, Jamileth also sees an occupational therapist. Together, we have been working to help her develop her fine motor skills, coordination, and independence. While there is still work to be done, we are proud of the progress Jamileth has made and look forward to continuing to support her on her journey.


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