Conner’s inspiring journey: Triumphs in early childhood intervention
An 8-year-old who has been attending The Warren Center since he was a small child is continuing to impress his family and his therapists with his ongoing development. Conner’s early life Conner was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, not making any sounds. The nurses worked to get him breathing and then […]
Bray’s remarkable journey: Finding his voice and embracing communication
A young boy is taking steps toward communication, growth, and connection with the help of The Warren Center. Bray’s mother, just like any parent, had her fair share of worries. She wanted to hear her son’s thoughts and feelings and to understand the world he lived in. Day after day, she would pick him up […]
Toddler goes from gagging on food to eating a variety of food all on his own
Fifteen months into her child’s life, a toddler’s mom left her son’s well-child visit “stressed out” and “frustrated.” Barron was born at 29 weeks and weighed a total of two pounds. He spent 52 days in the neonatal intensive care unit with oxygen support and an NF feeding tube. As Barron grew, he continued to […]
Mom gains support system for baby with CHARGE syndrome
Published on 5/25/2023 Zayna, an 18-month-old baby, has been defying the odds since her birth. Despite facing multiple medical challenges, she continues to make remarkable progress. Born with CHARGE Syndrome, a complex condition affecting various aspects of her health, Zayna’s story is one of resilience, determination, and the unwavering support of her mother, Taylor. Understanding […]
Baby with Down syndrome has ‘remarkable progress’ in his development, strength
A baby who has Down syndrome is making “remarkable progress” with his development and strength, according to his early intervention specialist. Baby Liam began services with The Warren Center in September 2022 when he was 6 weeks old. During his initial visit with his mom, Liam’s mom expressed she needed help, education, and resources on […]
From fear to freedom: A mother’s journey to safely bringing her daughter out in public
A mother is now able to confidently take her child out in public after receiving therapy services to help her toddler’s behavior and communication skills. Two-year-old Brielle has a diagnosis of torticollis, which is a condition where her neck muscles cause her head to twist and tilt to one side. She started early childhood intervention […]
‘Weight lifted off my shoulders’: Mom gets help for daughter for developmental delays
Oftentimes when a parents learns their child has a developmental delay or disability, it can be overwhelming for them, and many say they don’t know where to begin. A mom can now breathe a sign of relief after her daughter got the help she needed from The Warren Center. Edith was born with Congenital Diaphragmatic […]
‘I am so proud of him’: Child brings tears to mom’s eyes as he walks across room
A 7-year-old who has been attending The Warren Center since he was a small child is continuing to impress his family and his therapists with his ongoing development. Recently, Conner started walking across the room as his therapist held onto his shoulders, which brought tears to his mom’s eyes. Conner’s early life Conner was born […]
Toddler goes from barely speaking to saying 130+ words within months
An energetic toddler is continuing to grow an impressive vocabulary of more than 100 words months after beginning to receive services from an early intervention specialist at The Warren Center. Tayo’s family brought him to The Warren Center when he was 26 months old due to concerns with his communication. In his initial evaluation, Tayo’s […]
Mother has brighter outlook after receiving help from autism assessment team
A mother’s worries were eased when The Warren Center’s autism assessment team was able to evaluate her son and provide her with much-needed resources. When Bradley’s* mother first decided to seek a medical autism evaluation, Bradley had already been receiving speech therapy at The Warren Center. Although he was showing progress towards his goals, his […]