Toddler goes from making no noises to speaking phrases in less than a year
A toddler makes great strides in his communication and walking abilities. At a year old, Diego did not make any sounds, including speaking, and could not walk. He was referred to The Warren Center and started with Sophie, a speech-language pathologist. Sophie began their therapy visits trying to get Diego to copy the gestures and […]
Using Cue Cards to Create Routines
Daily routines can provide children with beneficial, learning opportunities that ensure safety, consistency and comfort in their environment. Young children might not yet fully understand the concept of time, so they do not order their lives by hours and minutes, but rather by the events that happen. In what some researchers have described as an […]
Creating Routines and Structure with your Child
[two_third]Does your child have meltdowns when you change from one activity to another? Do you have trouble getting your child to follow a regular schedule? Consistent routines and rules help create order and structure your day. Things go more smoothly when you and your child know what to expect. The Centers for Disease Control and […]
Books About “Daddy”
Dads sometimes play different roles in their kid’s lives. Big, strong superheroes that you can climb, make silly jokes and noises with and share all of the love. Explore familiar feelings and unknown worlds with this selection of #BooksAboutDads! [space50] [center] Ages 0 – 3 [/center] [space20] [one_third][/one_third] [two_third_last] My Dad Is Amazing! A joyful […]
Books About “Mommy”
Moms come in all different forms, ages, and books! And, much like mothers, there’s no shortage of different stories and experiences to explore. Take a look below at some of our favorite Mommy books for any age group! Grab the little ones, don some new character voices and take them into worlds they may not […]
In Honor of Better Hearing & Speech Month SLPS from The Warren Center Share Ways to Improve Speech at Home
In honor of Better Hearing & Speech Month in May, the team of speech-language pathologists at The Warren Center are encouraging parents of young children to take this extended time at home to improve their children’s communication development. Parents with concerns about their child’s speech and language development should seek assistance from a speech-language pathologist […]