From no words to 100+: Toddler uses therapy to learn to speak

Rudy Elias began therapy in April 2022 due to concerns about his limited speech and feeding. He was not speaking at all but could comprehend and follow instructions. As for his feeding, Elias was a very picky eater, as well as having significant food allergies: limiting his food variety and consumption. Elias began therapy with […]

Toddler goes from making no noises to speaking phrases in less than a year

A toddler makes great strides in his communication and walking abilities. At a year old, Diego did not make any sounds, including speaking, and could not walk. He was referred to The Warren Center and started with Sophie, a speech-language pathologist. Sophie began their therapy visits trying to get Diego to copy the gestures and […]

Toddler with Down syndrome now crawls, walks on her own

Little Delaney continues to grow with smile on her face A toddler with Down syndrome is growing and reaching milestones each day while receiving services from The Warren Center — and she does so with the cutest smile on her face. Delaney was born prematurely. Her mother did not know Delaney had Down syndrome while […]

7 sensory-friendly fall activities for children

Cooler temperatures are arriving in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and Halloween is right around the corner. If you’re looking to take some time the next few weeks to participate in fall activities with the whole family, we’re providing a list of sensory-friendly fall activities for children. 1. Attend Boo Bash Trunk-or-Treat at It’s a Sensory […]

How to Empower Your Child Through Positivity

Why Are Positive Words Important? [one_half] Words have an incredible amount of power. Even the smallest ones have the power to be just as harmful as they can be helpful. A child hearing consistent positive words of love and support does wonders for a child’s self-image, but more importantly, positive words can promote their cognitive […]

Using Cue Cards to Create Routines

Daily routines can provide children with beneficial, learning opportunities that ensure safety, consistency and comfort in their environment.  Young children might not yet fully understand the concept of time, so they do not order their lives by hours and minutes, but rather by the events that happen. In what some researchers have described as an […]

Creating Routines and Structure with your Child

[two_third]Does your child have meltdowns when you change from one activity to another? Do you have trouble getting your child to follow a regular schedule? Consistent routines and rules help create order and structure your day. Things go more smoothly when you and your child know what to expect. The Centers for Disease Control and […]

CDC Developmental Milestones Mobile App

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Learn the Signs. Act Early. program is updating its Milestone Tracker app, a mobile app designed to help parents track their children’s developmental milestones with illustrated milestone checklists, encourage their children’s development with tips and activities, and more! Before the newest version of the app is released, […]

Teaching a Special Needs Child Pool Safety

ANY time a child is near a body of water, there is a cause for caution! But with these blistering hot summers, longer days and the need for the outdoors, teaching your young one a new life skill shouldn’t add any more undue stress to your life. Teaching children to swim can mean the difference […]