

Click the Buttons Below to Jump to that Section

[button size=”small” link=”#ECI” target=”_self” color=”blue”]EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERVENTION[/button]

[button size=”small” link=”#CTS” target=”_self” color=”blue”]CLINIC THERAPY SERVICES[/button]

[button size=”small” link=”#FES” target=”_self” color=”blue”]FAMILY EDUCATION & SUPPORT[/button]

[button size=”small” link=”#AS” target=”_self” color=”blue”]TWC ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF[/button]


Executive Team


Amy Spawn
Chief Executive Officer


Pam Ruatta
Chief Program Officer


Brandy Lindsey
Chief Operating Officer


Carrie Nelson, CFRE
Chief Development Officer



Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)


Dana Dodgen
ECI Director


Cherie Stilinovich 
ECI Asst. Director, Occupational Therapist


Amy Teitelman
ECI Asst. Director, Early Intervention Specialist


Marcia Yager
ECI Asst. Director, Licensed Master Social Worker

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Clinic Therapy Services


Maddie Trigg, M.S., CCC-SLP
Clinic Director/Speech-Language Pathologist


Anna Burns
Occupational Therapist, Team Lead


Julia Johnson, M.S., CCC-SLP
Speech-Language Pathologist, Team Lead

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Family Education and Support

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Administrative Staff

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