Our Board is made up of highly-respected community leaders who help us advocate, serve and empower children and families impacted by developmental delays and disabilities.


Clete Madden, President
Pacesetter Health

Chris Holm, Vice President
The Perot Companies

Sandy Kaufman, Treasurer
Stanford Kaufman and Associates

Becky Horne, Secretary
RBH Enterprises, LLC

Mike Andereck
Docucorp International, retired

Matt Bolding
Wells Fargo Bank, Senior Vice President and Commercial Relationship Manager

David Crawford
Retired; Former CEO, American Home Shield

Mark Daniel
Chief Executive Officer, Sealoc

Jay E. Espaillat

Jeni Garrett
Sirius Plumbing & AC, Inc.

Joe Hoffman
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

Dale Johnson
Insurance Agent, State Farm

Melissa Keeling
Stellar Bank

Robert Kincheloe
Store Director, Nebraska Furniture Mart

Sharon King
Retired, Volunteer

Tanya Rodgers, MD
Skin Specialists

Paulina Romon
Creative Realities, Inc.

Todd Steudtner
Texas Instruments

Phyllis Stone
Retired Pediatrician

Lee Summers
Creative Realities, Inc.

Sandee Treptow

Andrew N. Warden

John Warren
Principal, Honeybee Rodeo



Beverly Warren, Founding Chair
Bill Warren, Founding Chair
Joy Apple
Mike Austin
Carla Austin
Jim Benson
Carrie Benson
Brian Brode
Lottye Brodsky-Lyle, Ph.D.
Susan Cuellar
John Cuellar
John Vice
Bonnie Ewing
Steve Folsom
Guy Kerr
Randy McCabe
Nina S. McDonald
Tom Montgomery
Drew Nachowiak
Micah Prude
Harry C. Simmons Jr.
Michelle Steudtner
John Weeks
Teresa Weeks
Scott D. Williams
Linus Wright, Ph.D.


Amy M. Spawn – CEO
Brandy Lindsey – COO
Carrie F. Nelson – CDO
Pam K. Ruatta – CPO

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